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Shah Saifudeen

Academic Director

What we truly love to be is the torch bearer lighting up the path of aspiring minds moving towards civil service as a career. Our 360° skill development platforms, with all those facilities for self-discovery of their hidden potential, can transform their inner vision into a worldly reality.

Shameena Sakkeer

Chief Academic Consultant

An aspirant bears the dream of a home, and is the promise of a country. We mould civil servants by finessing complete platforms. As your aspirations are ours, so we are entitled to enrich lives by assisting you to achieve your dreams through eliciting the potential within you and make history.

Other Bookmarks

Astute Guide

Astute Guide is a self-paced academic excellence program designed for students (5-9 grades) providing live and recorded classes via virtual means, foundation classes, workshops and regular tuitions.

The Early Bird

Plus Two Foundation is a civil services coaching program for Plus Two students covering basic subjects with booster sessions of general awareness at regular intervals.

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